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Need for Change: Speaking Out
By Jay Sastry '18 Need For Change: Student Feedback
By Christian Potter '18
History Club Brings in Spring Speaker Series Fred Horne '18 NCS Spring Sports Recap Zoe Contreras-Villalta '19, Nina Davy '20, Amanda de Castro '19, and Logan Robinson '18 STA Spring Sports Recap Harry Grigorian '19, Yuki Kinoshita '18, Henry Large '18, Jack Tongour '19, and Hugh Preas '18 Playlist of the Week:
Glass By Matthew Kellenberg '18 Need For Change: The Dorm
By Hugh Preas'18 This issue brought to you by: Alex Bamford, Zoe Contreras-Villalta, Kubair Chuchra, Nina Davy, Amanda de Castro, Fred Horne, Matthew Kellenberg, Alandre LaBossiere, Zack Martin, Max Niles, Christian Potter, Hugh Preas, Kevin Quigley, Logan Robinson, Jay Sastry, Jack Tongour, and Olivia Vella