After reading all of these well crafted arguments by your fellow peers, vote down below on where you stand regarding all of these technology debates! We will get back to you with the results in the next issue.
All Things Fortnite
1. The Best Place to Land (by Finn McCarthy '19)
2. The Best Places for Loot (by Finn McCarthy '19) 3. The Best Unpopulated Places (by Finn McCarthy '19) 4. The Places to Avoid (by Finn McCarthy '19) 5. Landing Location: Haunted Hills (by James Cook '19) The Case for Spotify Over Apple Music
(by Jared Makheja '19) The Case for the Government Unlocking Phones
(by Katie Klingler '19) The Case for Crypto-Currencies
(by Kevin Fee '18) Vertical Divider
In the Classroom: Textbooks or Tablets?
1. For Textbooks in the Classroom (by Elizabeth Lombardo '19)
2. For Tablets in the Classroom (by Henry Holliday '19) Old Snapchat VS New Snapchat
Net Neutrality: For or Against?
Vertical Divider
This issue brought to you by: James Cook, Kevin Fee, Ashley Harris, Henry Holliday, Sunjin Kim, Katie Klingler, Elizabeth Lombardo, Jared Makheja, Finn McCarthy, NM, Simon Palmore, Priya Phillips, Olivia Vella, and Liam Warin