Story by Kubair Chuchra '18 and Mannan Mehta '18 After a seemingly too short summer of coding, designing, writing, and editing, our staff team hopes that finding our website took you a heck of a lot less time than it took for us to put together. Welcome to EXCHANGED, the latest and (hopefully) greatest student-run organization on the Cathedral Close! Through our Website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, we hope to keep you entertained and informed about your community. Before you start poking around our website, here six quick things you should know about EXCHANGED: 1) EXCHANGED is an independent self-funded organization run entirely by students of the Saint Albans and National Cathedral Schools. Because we receive no financial support or backing from our schools or any other institutions, we reserve the right to publish what we want, when we want. However, this freedom of publication does not mean that the staff at EXCHANGED will stray from their schools’ values. The EXCHANGED will refuse to publish any racist, sexist or homophobic material of any kind.
2) Despite what our domain name says ( we are called EXCHANGED. and are both already owned by somebody, and sadly aren’t available for purchase. 3) Whenever school is in session, we’re in session (at least that’s the plan). That means throughout the school year, we’ll be distracting you from your homework daily with the best of the lifestyle, humor, opinion, pop culture, and sports on the Cathedral Close. 4) If you’re too lazy to check our website every day, follow us on Twitter or drop us a like on Facebook! That way, we can update you with only the must read articles (Don’t worry, we won’t be sliding into your DMs). 5) If joining EXCHANGED seems right for you, or your college resume, feel free to contact us! To get started, just talk to somebody already on the team or, if social interaction is too much for you, just fill out the form here. |